Tip us

Thank you!

We are happy to have you and hope you're enjoying Base64-Image.

Why support us?

Since 2015, users have encoded over 25 million images with Base64 images, completely free and with very generous limits. Although we are constantly growing year over year, we want to continue to offer the basic functionality free of charge for everyone in the future. To make this sustainable, to continue to cover our server costs and to develop new features in the future, we would be delighted if you could leave us a small tip if you find Base64-Image useful for your own workflow.

How to support us?

You can easily support us via Buy Me a Coffee. There you have the possibility to give us a small tip, which we will of course invest in Base64 Image itself to make the product even better.

You can either tip for one or more coffees or sign up for a recurring membership, which we want to enhance with more benefits in the near future. If you even sign up for the gold membership, you will earn a spot on our supporters page, which will go live as soon as we have the first gold sponsor.

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