1.1 Geek Cell GmbH, Alte Molkerei 1A, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany, represented by the CEO Christian Kappen (hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider") makes the software "base64-image" available to users (hereinafter referred to as "User") via the website https://www.base64-image.de/ in accordance with these General Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "ToU").
1.2 The current ToU at the time of the conclusion of the contract shall apply. The current version of the ToU can be viewed at any time under Terms of Use.
1.3 Conflicting or deviating terms and conditions shall not be recognized unless the Provider expressly agrees to their validity in writing. The following Terms of Use shall also apply exclusively if the Provider performs the service without reservation in the knowledge of terms and conditions that conflict with and/or deviate from the following Terms of Use.
2.1 The content and services provided on the website are free of charge, unless otherwise stated. Insofar as content is subject to a charge (hereinafter "chargeable content"), you can order and purchase it via our online store in the portal.
2.2 Users can upload files to the server on the website to convert them via an upload form. The file is saved, can optionally be optimized (jpg and png optimization) and then the base64 string is outputted to the user along with metadata. The file will be completely deleted from the server right before the data goes back to the user. No files are stored permanently.
2.3 A claim to the use of the services or content available on the website exists only within the scope of the technical and operational possibilities at the service provider. The provider strives for a high average availability of the website.
2.4 In times of unavailability of the website, which occur in particular
the user has no right to compensation or damages, considering the liability provision under section 5 of these ToU.
2.5 The Service Provider shall endeavor to continuously adapt the Website to current requirements. It therefore reserves the right to make changes to adapt the system to the state of the art, changes to optimize the system, to improve user-friendliness, and changes to content, provided the latter are necessary to correct errors, to update and complete the system, to optimize programming or for licensing reasons.
2.6 The service provider is entitled at any time to change services or content provided free of charge on the website, to make new services or content available free of charge or against payment and to discontinue the provision of free services or content. The service provider will take your legitimate interests into account in each case.
3.1 The User grants the Service Provider all rights of use to the uploaded file necessary for the performance of the Service until the termination of the Service.
3.2 The User hereby agrees not to upload any illegal content, content that violates the law, official requirements, or the rights of third parties to the storage space of the platform made available to him on a short-term basis.
4.1 The User may not use the Service to store and/or convert data the:
4.2 All Users must follow the rules of conduct and guidelines for permitted use set forth in this section. If the User violates this policy or any other provision of this Agreement, the Service Provider is entitled to exclude the User from using the Service.
Should the user incur damage using services and content made available on the website, including the retrieval of free content, the service provider shall be liable - irrespective of the legal grounds - in the event of intent and gross negligence, in the event of liability in accordance with the provisions of the Product Liability Act and to the extent of an expressly assumed guarantee. In the case of simple negligence, the service provider shall only be liable for
The use of the Service is subject to German law.
Status: July 2024